Fruit & Vegetables

BGP Oregano 20g
$3.99 each
BGP Mint 20g
$3.99 each
BGP Dill 20g
$3.99 each
BGP Coriander 20g
$3.99 each
BGP Basil 20g
$3.99 each
Grapes White
was $12.99 $3.89 per kg
Garlic Bulbs
$3.80 each (approx.) $39.99 per kg
Capsicums Yellow
$3.60 each (approx.) $14.99 per kg
Pineapple Topless Half
$3.59 each
Cabbage Savoy Quarter
$3.59 each
Cabbage Red Quarter
$3.59 each
Cabbage Quarter
$3.59 each
Radishes 200g
$3.49 each $17.45 per kg
Onions Spring bunch
$3.49 each
Love Beets Baby Beetroot 250g
$3.49 each $13.96 per kg
Bean Shoots 250g
$3.29 each $13.16 per kg
$3.15 each (approx.) $10.49 per kg
Community Co. Aussie Salad Mix 110g
$3.00 each $27.27 per kg
Comm Co Sld Swt & Crnchy 275g
$3.00 each $10.91 per kg
Comm Co Baby Rocket 100g
$3.00 each $30.00 per kg
Tomatoes Sampari 250g
was $5.49 $2.99 each $11.96 per kg
Rocket Leaves 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Melon Water Seedless
$2.99 per kg
Mangoes Honey Gold
was $4.69 $2.99 each
$2.99 each (approx.) $12.99 per kg
Leafy Patch Baby Cos Lettuce 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Cucumber Apple
$2.99 each
Coolibah Wild Roquette Prepack 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Coolibah Spinach Leaves 120g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Coolibah Salad Mix 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Coolibah Salad Mix 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Coolibah Italian Salad Mix 100
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Coolibah Baby Spinach 100g
$2.99 each $29.90 per kg
Celery Half
$2.99 each
Buk Choy Shanghai
$2.99 each
Oranges Navel
$2.80 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Community Co. Baby Spinach 100g
$2.70 each $27.00 per kg
Community Co. Baby Spinach & Rocket 100g
$2.70 each $27.00 per kg
Lettuce Iceberg Half
$2.69 each
Onions Red
$2.50 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Community Co Leafy Mix 160g
$2.50 each $15.63 per kg
Onions Brown Bag 1kg
was $4.49 $2.49 each
$2.40 each (approx.) $7.99 per kg
Cauliflower Half
was $3.59 $2.39 each
Capsicums Green
$2.30 each (approx.) $9.99 per kg
Onions Salad
$2.29 each
Capsicums Red
was $10.99 per kg $2.24 each (approx.) $6.99 per kg
Community Co Coleslaw 200g
$2.20 each $11.00 per kg
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