Fruit & Vegetables

Photo of Potatoes Sweet Gold

Potatoes Sweet Gold 1kg

$5.49 each ($5.49 per kg)

Photo of Radishes

Radishes 200g

$3.49 each ($17.45 per kg)

Photo of Snow Peas

Snow Peas

$34.99 per kg

Photo of Tomatoes Cherry Truss

Tomatoes Cherry Truss 250g

$6.99 each ($27.96 per kg)

Photo of Apples Granny Smith

Apples Granny Smith

~ $1.47 each ($6.99 per kg)

Photo of Apricots


~ $1.26 each ($17.99 per kg)

Photo of BGP Basil

BGP Basil 20g

$3.99 each

Photo of Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

$17.99 per kg

Photo of Cabbage Red Quarter

Cabbage Red Quarter

$3.59 each

Photo of Cabbage Savoy Half

Cabbage Savoy Half

$5.99 each

Photo of Cabbage Whole

Cabbage Whole

$9.99 each

Photo of Capsicums Yellow

Capsicums Yellow

~ $3.60 each ($14.99 per kg)

Photo of Chillies Green

Chillies Green

~ $0.92 each ($39.99 per kg)

Photo of Chillies Red

Chillies Red

~ $0.71 each ($39.99 per kg)

Photo of Community Co Baby Spinach

Community Co Baby Spinach 260g

$4.80 each ($18.46 per kg)

Photo of Community Co Coleslaw Kit

Community Co Coleslaw Kit 500g

$4.70 each ($9.40 per kg)

Photo of Community Co. Baby Spinach & Rocket

Community Co. Baby Spinach & Rocket 100g

$2.70 each ($27.00 per kg)

Photo of Coolibah Wild Roquette Prepack

Coolibah Wild Roquette Prepack 100g

$2.99 each ($29.90 per kg)

Photo of Cucumber Baby Lebanese

Cucumber Baby Lebanese 200g

$4.99 each ($24.95 per kg)

Photo of Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad 250g

$6.99 each ($27.96 per kg)

Photo of Garlic Peeled

Garlic Peeled 250g

$3.99 each ($15.96 per kg)

Photo of Hi Fresh Coleslaw Mix

Hi Fresh Coleslaw Mix 300g

$4.99 each ($16.63 per kg)

Photo of Hi Fresh Gourmet Coleslaw

Hi Fresh Gourmet Coleslaw 400g

$5.99 each ($14.98 per kg)

Photo of Leafy Patch Baby Cos Lettuce

Leafy Patch Baby Cos Lettuce 100g

$2.99 each ($29.90 per kg)

Photo of Mangoes Honey Gold

Mangoes Honey Gold

$2.99 each

Save 50c
Photo of Mushrooms Flat

Mushrooms Flat

~ $1.22 each ($16.99 per kg)

Photo of Onions Salad

Onions Salad

$2.29 each

Photo of Oranges Navel

Oranges Navel

~ $2.80 each ($9.99 per kg)

Photo of Parsley


$1.99 each

Photo of Passionfruit Each

Passionfruit Each

$1.99 each

Photo of Plums


~ $0.78 each ($5.99 per kg)

Save $1.00
Photo of Silverbeet


$5.99 each

Photo of Swedes


~ $1.60 each ($7.99 per kg)

Photo of Tomatoes Roma

Tomatoes Roma

$7.99 per kg

Photo of Tomatoes Sampari

Tomatoes Sampari 250g

$2.99 each ($11.96 per kg)

Save $2.50
Photo of Turnips


~ $2.40 each ($7.99 per kg)

Photo of Whole Medjool Dates

Whole Medjool Dates 227g

$8.99 each ($39.60 per kg)

Photo of Wombok


$6.99 per kg

Photo of Alfalfa Sprouts Each

Alfalfa Sprouts Each

$3.69 each ($2.95 per 100g)

Photo of Apricots

Apricots 500g

$6.99 each ($13.98 per kg)

Photo of Berry Mix Tub

Berry Mix Tub 200g

$6.99 each ($34.95 per kg)

Photo of BGP Continental Parsley

BGP Continental Parsley 20g

$3.49 each

Photo of BGP Coriander

BGP Coriander 20g

$3.99 each

Photo of BGP Dill

BGP Dill 20g

$3.99 each

Photo of BGP Lime Leaves

BGP Lime Leaves 10g

$3.49 each

Photo of BGP Mint

BGP Mint 20g

$3.99 each

Photo of BGP Oregano

BGP Oregano 20g

$3.99 each

Photo of BGP Rosemary

BGP Rosemary 20g

$3.99 each

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