Panadol Liquid Caps 20pk

$6.60 each $0.33 each


Panadol Liquid Caps (for pain relief) are an easy to swallow, pain relief option from Australia's Most Trusted Pain Relief Brand.* The liquid capsules have a gel-casing making it easy to swallow. Like other Panadol tablets and caplets, Panadol Liquid Caps provide effective pain relief and are gentle on the stomach. Panadol Liquid Caps provides effective relief of pain associated with: headache, tension headache, cold and flu symptoms, migraine headache, muscular aches, arthritis, osteoarthritis, backache and period pain. Panadol Liquid Caps also reduce fever.

Panadol Liquid Caps have a gel-casing that allows for easy swallowing.

  • Provide fast, effective relief from headache, body aches, and toothache.

  • Reduce fever and are gentle on the stomach.

  • Liquid Filled soft gel capsules.

  • Smooth gel-casing for easy swallowing.

  • Suitable for people with stomach ulcers.

  • Panadol Liquid Caps provide temporary relief of pain associated with:
  • Headache

  • Tension headache

  • Toothache • Backache

  • Arthritis

  • Rheumatic pain

  • Fibrositis

  • Sore throat

  • Cold & flu symptoms

  • Migraine headache

  • Sinus pain

  • Dental procedures

  • Muscular aches & pains

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Period pain

  • Neuralgia

  • Tennis elbow

  • • Reduces fever

    *Reader’s Digest Trusted Brands Survey Australia, 2021


    Each capsule contains Paracetamol 500mg. Other Ingredients (Excipients) include butan-1-ol, colloidal anhydrous silica, ethanol, Gelatin, iron oxide black, isopropyl alcohol, macrogol 400, partially dehydrated liquid, sorbitol, propylene glycol, purified water, Shellac, strong ammonia solution, sulfuric acid, titanium dioxide.

    Storage Instructions

    Store below 25°C.